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Getting close to every quant question wrong. What to do? : Magoosh

Jan 21, 2021

So I'm very weak in quant. I've watched all the videos and the concepts seem clear then and I solve most of the practice questions in the videos. However, I keep getting question after question wrong when practicing. I do understand when I watch the explanation video and make notes to not maek the same mistake, but I don't get better. The problem is not understanding theory but applying it in practice. What can i do?

Jan 21, 2021

Hi, sorry for your experience.Quant can be challenging for lots of people but don't loose hope.Now as per my understanding you complete a subject, understand all the concepts and start practicing questions ( not in order like starting with easy level question and gradually go for the medium and higher level questions) i would like to suggest you to follow this pattern or one thing you can do you can test the 5 days trail of TTP course and see how the systematic pattern is used, complete one topic over their and see whether you improve or not.

Jan 21, 2021

Well for one, you need to be more aware of the mistakes you are making and revisit them frequently, and make a conscious efforts to not repeat the same mistake.

I used to always assume the variables as integers. I started to practice by specifically mentioning x=+ve int when given and thus when it is not explicitly mentioned I would realize on my own that I need to consider other scenarios too. You have to develop some habits in order to not repeat certain mistakes.

Jan 21, 2021

Hi Dnofiew
Please don't lose hope.
Perseverence pays in long run.
Build a strong foundation of concepts on selected topics, then select some easy (sub-600 level) questions from quant question bank on the same topic and once you get confidence, then start practicing tougher questions (600-700 -> 700+ level). This way you will get confidence which you don't have now.

Dnofiew wrote:So I'm very weak in quant. I've watched all the videos and the concepts seem clear then and I solve most of the practice questions in the videos. However, I keep getting question after question wrong when practicing. I do understand when I watch the explanation video and make notes to not maek the same mistake, but I don't get better. The problem is not understanding theory but applying it in practice. What can i do?

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